Breaking Down the Levees.
What Is A Woman of Brass?

“Women of Brass” was based on the women who stood at the door of Tabernacle of Moses, the women who gave up their brass mirrors to create the Laver of Brass/Washbasin in the Tabernacle.

“Women of Brass” also known in the “Chumash” as “the Legion of Women”. They were not just women who stood at the door of the Tabernacle, but who had a sense of commitment and possessed an attitude of the righteousness of God in every area of life. They stand at the door not only to worship God but to speak the truth in a generation of wickedness.

They carry the judgment of God upon their lives by the word of God, but they are not judgmental against any one person. They are consistent and beautiful in the image of Christ; they show forth his holiness in every aspect of life. They are concerned enough of the image of Christ being presented in such a way that it attracts people to the Savior.

They are more than just women of distinction, more than females who can speak well or can perform high and mighty acts, but they are women who have an interest in seeing the kingdom of God being established in their generation.”

What Is A Levee?
A Levee is an embankment that is designed to keep certain waters from flowing, such as, a river. It is also something that controls the flowing current of water to a particular place. What I do mean by breaking the “Levees” in the lives of women. This breaking is by learning and applying the principles from the Word of God. My hearts desire to establish a platform that will minister these principles and break the barriers of limitation, The Scripture tells us in Galatians 3:28, there is no distinction between “male nor female” when it comes to being in Christ. All the benefits, the inheritance, the blessings and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit has been freely given to both male and female in equal proportion, that is to say, that before God or to minister in the same level. I know that many teach that women are limited to certain things when it comes to the kingdom of God, but the Bible does not teach that.



Rev. Jeremias Antonetty
Rev. Rufina Antonetty
Rev. Deborah Antignano

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